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(1 edit) (+1)

I had such a fun and silly time playing this game! I played with one other person, and while we didn't do a ton of actual roleplaying to flesh out dice rolls, we still had a great time with the flavor text and tournament rounds.

A couple of thoughts, in case it helps with future dev:

- We kept rolling ties, but unless I missed it, there's no guidance on how to handle it? (We just rerolled them if it wasn't clear who won a round otherwise)

- We would have loved more snail stuff — naming them or giving them stats to incorporate into rolls

I can't wait to see where this goes in the future!

I'm so happy my little snail game got played and you enjoyed it!! To answer a few of your comments:

Tie breakers: I don't remeber if I actually addressed this in the text, apologies! It was one of those game jam games that just got a lot of crunch and definitely missed some things. I'll add those if I get around to fixing this game up a bit in the future (I'd like to!)

More Snail Stuff: Oh I love those ideas! Yes, I think beefing up the snails a bit more would do well! I'll definitely consider it, thank you for the ideas.

I hope one day, when bigger projects aren't dominating my time, to do a little touch up for this game, so stay tuned!