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Just wanted to drop by and let you know that I'm really enjoying this solo RPG!

I'm still in the freshly brewed era with my first infuser and I'm already having such a blast! 

I like how the set-up is very minimal and quick while having enough structure with the prompts that I won't feel lost with thinking about what happens next.

Something that usually bogs me down with solo RPG's is when I feel pressured (mostly my personality's fault) to research a historical setting or set-up this elaborate worldbuilding first before being able to jump in. But here, because the scope of a teapot's perspective is so limited, I can get away with not knowing the full details of the world the teapot is in.

And it's so fun! I hope you don't mind my chattiness but I just want to share how with my teapot, its creator is an alchemist who wanted to see the connection between the plant's origin and how its soil and climate affect its magical properties in tea brewing. So figuring that out was their crowning achievement. And for the sake of controlling variables, they painstakingly used the same teapot for every treatment in all their experiments, which gave the teapot such a huge wealth of knowledge. 

Anyway, this alchemist's discovery made their empire prosperous, which attracted enemies from neighboring territories, causing a war to eventually erupt where the alchemist's children were drafted giving us our next infuser: the war veteran that inherited the teapot from their dear parent.

I stopped there for now because I needed to take a break but given that this is the first solo RPG I've played after literal years, I was surprised at how elaborate the plot can go and I was only beginning!

Thank you for creating this! :D

Hi there!! First, I wanted to thank you so much for the kind words and letting me know about your game! I can't begin to express how happy it makes creators to know someone is playing our stuff. The Teapot has a special soft spot in my heart as my first "big" game, so I'm happy some of the elements of the design (limited scope of the character, interconnecting the eras via the Infusers etc.) seem to happening for you!

I do love this story already you've got going, like a lot. That's a fun arch of Alchemist Researcher into War Veteran that makes sense. I really like the idea of studying the tea plants in such a scientific way too, that's a fun angle. Makes me think of wine makers!

Thank YOU for playing! I'd love to hear about any further developments your little Teapot gets up to! :) I also hope it gets you into more Solo TTRPGs, there's so many good ones out there!


Hello, I hope this isn't rude to ask! Are there any plans to replenish community copies in the future? I stumbled upon the earlier version as well (although it seems like it's no longer available) and thought this looks like such a lovely game. If not, thank you anyway!

Hi!! No worries at all to ask, I completely forgot to add some more community copies here! So thank YOU for asking! I've added another 100, enjoy!! :) 


Managed to get one, thanks so much for the opportunity! Congratulations on the full version as well \o/


I adore this game. I am a very slow solo-journal RPer, so it's taking me some time to make my way through the game, but that's okay! I am enjoying it immensely. I have a community copy of the game, but I would like to contribute to the funding! I'm still unfortunately unable to pay the recommended price, is there a way to donate a certain amount?

It makes me so happy to hear you're enjoying it! Thank you for playing it. :) I think the Teapot is a great game to play slowly too, really let the story steep (sorry, had to!) :) You'll have to let me know what your Teapot gets up to! 

Hmmm, I've tried something that might work? I've made another Reward Tier called Pay What You Can! If you've claimed a Community Copy it might not let you though, but in all honesty just hearing you're enjoying it has been wind in my sails! Let me know if that works. :)


Ahh unfortunately that didn't work! I tried it but it still said I had to pay the minimum of $8.08!

Another question, if that's okay? Are you on Discord? The Alone Together server? I would love to friend you there if possible. 😊

Ack! I'll try to have that as an option should I run another Itch Funding for sure.

Oh yea, for sure! I'm not on that server, feel free to add me though! Going to comment my username below, then delete that comment once you add me haha. 


Great sounds good! 

Deleted 3 years ago




How many pages does this zine contain?


Hi there! :)

The Slightly Steeped version comes in at around 30 pages. But, these are like full Letter Pages! I'm working on reformatting it for the Fully Steeped edition to A5 pages... I'm expecting that one to be in the ballpark of 40-45 pages?

Let me know if you have any other questions! :)